同恩中医诊所 Ace AcuHerb Clinic
针灸 艾灸 拔罐 推拿 中药组方和煎煮等 治疗关节 腰背 肩膀 颈椎 疼痛, 胃肠道及妇科疑难杂症
9285 Dowdy Drive,suite 103, San Diego, California 92126; Tel: 858-842-8817
么雅娟是30年经验的执照老中医, 毕业和任教于中医药大学。专精把脉开方, 针灸推拿, 营养食疗, 以爱心, 诚实和高质量的服务呵护您的健康。
24小时预约电话 (858)-842-8817) 在晚上10点后请留言,包括您的姓名和联系电话,我们会尽快给您回复。
其他服务: 中药配方及熬煮, 中药浓缩药粉 (冲泡饮用), 中药面膜, 营养食疗。
主治: 肩颈腰背疼痛, 头痛, 偏头痛, 五十肩, 坐骨神经痛, 三叉神经疼, 运动损伤, 带状疱疹, 不明原因疼痛等
各种炎症: 肩周炎, 支气管炎, 关节炎, 肌神经炎等慢性症。
其他病症: 风湿, 糖尿病, 高血压, 中风后遗症, 瘫痪, 耳鸣, 胃病, 过敏, 失眠, 厌食, 忧郁症, 月经不调, 男女不孕,更年期综合症等。
Mr. and Ms. Edison's testimonial (kidney stone, gout pain and obesity): My wife and I have been under the expert care and guidance of Dr. Jan Yao for about six months and have been extremely pleased with her therapy and advice. Specifically, she has helped me in eliminating a kidney stone with her herbal medicines. A stone was present before I began taking her herbs and in a recent (1 June ‘13) x-ray it no longer was present. We have also benefited from her “wholist” approach to pain reduction: reducing my back pain (sciatica) and pain in my toes from acupuncture; helping reduce swelling in my thumb with acupuncture and massages; and helping eliminate my leg pains with her massages; Her recommendations on changing my diet and introducing herbs into my daily in fact has resulted in my feeling more healthy and losing over 20 pounds in my weight. I highly recommend her to those looking for alternatives to reducing pain without resorting to unnecessary drugs/pills. Her results have been great and at a fair price.
Acupuncture, Oriental Medicine, Massage Therapy, Cupping, Moxibustion, Spooning and Nutrition (针灸 艾灸 拔罐 推拿 开方等, 治疗各种疼痛 疑难杂症):
Specialized in: Shoulder pain, Trigeminal neuralgia (TN), Wrist pain, Tennis elbow, Shingles, Osteoarthritis, Gout, Headache, Migraine, Neck Stiffness, Carpal tunnel syndrome, lower back pain, Sciatica, Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), sports and accident injuries, scapulohumeral periarthritis; PMS, Insomnia, Stress, Menopause, Emotional problems, Anxiety, Depression, Menstrual irregularities, Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), Infertility, Reproductive problems
Dizziness, Dental pain, Gingivitis, Periodontal Disease, ibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Hiccup, Indigestion Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), IBD, Crohn's Diseases, Colitis
Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough, Pneumonia, Common Cold, Sore throat, Alcohol and Drug Addiction. Facial Palsy/tics, Tonsillitis, Urinary Incontinence, Rhinitis, Morning Sickness, Nausea, Vomiting, Sinusitis, Urinary tract infections
Obesity, hypertension, Constipation, Diarrhea, Digestive trouble, Dysentery, enteritidis, gastritis, leg swelling, muscle atrophy, ovarian cyst, woman’s complaints etc.
Call 858-842-8817 first to make appointment
Carry and prescribe herbal medicines & their combinations in capsule, instant granule, tea bag, sticky patch or cream for chronic ailments. All our medicines are manufactured by GMP-compliance companies companies. Each combination will be based on individual's condition, herb synergistic effect, and traditional Chinese medicine theory, and overall diagnosis-treatment strategy.
Our facilities are built so that they can be used by people of all abilities.
Doctor Jan cured my tinnitus!
I came to Doctor Yajuan Jan for help to treat my tinnitus after suffering from it for about 4 months. I had tried many kinds of medicine, including antibiotics, the symptoms kept coming back and I realized that the problems were not in my ears but in my body. And I decided to look for Chinese traditional doctor to help me.
After about 10 times acupuncture and cupping treatments, plus herbal medicine ,my ears stopped ringing!
Doctor Jan is very professional and very experienced. She has been performing acupuncture for more than 20 years. She does not only treat my ears but also helps to get my body back to "balance" so I will not get sick that easily in the future.
I learned that Doctor Yan just moved to SD not long ago so she is new to SD. I would highly recommend her to my family and friends.
If you are looking for real Chinese traditional acupuncture doctor, and you need a cure not just "massage", you should come to Doctor Jan
Warning: The information in this web site is for your information and our business promotion only. You should not use our information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your medical doctors.
执照中医师, 中药师, Acupuncture, Physical therapies, 针灸, 开方, 推拿, 治疗各种疼痛 疑难杂症
Gradually advanced TCM theory is unique and effective. It has been practiced in China and other Asian countries for thousands of years.
We carry crude traditional Chinese herbs and their preparations (extract, instant powder, paste, oil, capsule, pill and tablet ...)
执照中医师, 中药师, Acupuncture, Physical therapies, 针灸, 开方, 推拿, 治疗各种疼痛 疑难杂症