同恩中医诊所 Ace AcuHerb Clinic
针灸 艾灸 拔罐 推拿 中药组方和煎煮等 治疗关节 腰背 肩膀 颈椎 疼痛, 胃肠道及妇科疑难杂症
9285 Dowdy Drive,suite 103, San Diego, California 92126; Tel: 858-842-8817
Propolis for Genital
Weight Loss and
Hair Growth
Posted by
Dr. Jeff Zhao
There are many natural
bio-active compounds
in water extract of
Brazilian propolis,
Such as following anti-bacterial and anti-virus compounds that can be used for canker sores, cancer, diabetes, influenza and peptic ulcer.
How to prepare water extract: Boil propolis resin powder with proper volume water for 10-20 minutes, remove insoluble wax and keep water solution as health drink. Propolis is available in many forms, such as tablet, capsule, powder, extract and lozenge.
How does it work? Propolis has activities against bacteria, viruses and fungi. It is also an anti-inflammatory agent to help skin heal.
Reported active compounds in Brazilian propolis:
4-O-(3-Phenylpropanoyl)-Drupanin (CAS: 156027-73-5) is a hair growth stimulant and can be used both internally and externally.
Isochlorogenic acid c (CAS: 57378-72-0) found in coffee, Brazilian propolis, mate (leaves of yerba mate (llex paraguariensis), Aster scaberand (Pluchea symphytifolia), is an immunomodulator, active against HIV-1 integrase and shows anti-viral and anti-hepatotoxic activities.
Propolis is a resinous mixture that honey bees collect from tree buds, sap flows, or other plant sources. It is used as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive. Propolis is rarely available in its pure form. It is usually obtained from beehives and contains bee products.
Propolis health function and use:
Anti-virus against herpes simplex virus type 1 that causes cold sores.
Its ointment is effective in the treatment of human genital herpes
Inhibits Streptococcus mutans from sticking to teeth and help fight cavities
Lowers blood sugar levels
Reduces cholesterol
Used as natural remedy for type 2 diabetes
Used for the problems and conditions of acne, canker sores, cold, giardiasis and allergies
Topically apply propolis directly to skin for wound cleansing
Use as antiseptic liquid for the treatment of burns
Use as mouth rinse for speeding healing following oral surgery
Used in cosmetics
Biol Pharm Bull., 2004, 27(11):1797-803
Warning: The information in this web site is for your information only. You should not use our information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your medical doctors.
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执照中医师, 中药师, Acupuncture, Physical therapies, 针灸, 开方, 推拿, 治疗各种疼痛 疑难杂症